Sunday, April 8, 2018

brother runs faster than i

Dream 1

It was a golden afternoon. I was out with my little brother, walking along a path bordered by thin strips of lawn, possibly near some kind of suburban shopping center. Some thick, brown leafs occasionally dotted the lawn. The lawn and path probably had a kind of busy road next to it.

My brother were walking at a relaxed pace. Then we realized we needed to get somewhere. So I started running. My brother started running, too. He pulled ahead of me. I kind of got the feeling that he felt like I had been trying to run faster than him, so he needed to run faster than me.

We stopped running. Then we ended up across a street. We needed to cross the street -- which basically put us back near the shopping center area, just on another side of it.

Again, I felt that we needed to move quickly, to get across the street before more cars came, but also to get wherever we needed to go. So I started to run across the street. My brother ran up from behind me and passed me. He didn't look like my brother. He was tall, pale, with a short haircut. He wore a blue sweatshirt and something like grey long johns.

We were across the street. There was no path now. The space between the shopping center's back wall (or maybe just a big brick wall for a gated community or something?) was now all lawn, dotted by thick, brown leafs.

My brother was still running, a few meters ahead of me. I figured I would keep running and try to keep up with him. I wasn't sure how well I'd do. I was already winded. But I figured I'd keep running as long as I could.

But now my brother stopped running. I jogged the rest of the way to catch up with him.

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