Monday, June 25, 2018


Dream 1

It was a bright, sunny day was out on a huge highway, possibly just floating over the highway, or possibly in some sort of floating vehicle that was just like the chassis of a car, but with no wheels, just floating over the highway. There may have been other gigantic highways in the distance, winding over and under the one I floated along.

I may have had an image in my head of a local politician, JP, with whom I may have been scheduled to have some sort of conversation. I may also have seen or imagined the image of JP on some sort of small screen, like a TV screen that was set into the dashboard of some vehicle I was imagining.

Now that I'd seen/imagined this image of JP, I knew I really needed to start driving. Suddenly a shell of a vehicle snapped down around the chassis-like vehicle I was floating in. The shell of the vehicle may have been either silver or black. It may have looked like the body of a nice car, maybe a Mercedes, except just a little bit more flattened out, rounded out, and futuristic. And the car was still a floating car.

It was now like I was racing another car, possibly even the car owned by JP. If I drove the black car, JP drove the silver car, and vice versa. But it may also have been like I was simply following the other car, which may have been driven by JP, but was more likely driven by one of his staff members, so I could get to the meeting with JP. But it may also have been like I was simply aware of the car's existence, like I was somehow following some path it may once have taken, so I could get to the meeting with JP.

I sped up and was going down the highway really quickly. The highway had been in some sort of shallowly ascending, plateau-like stretch of arc. But now I turned a sharp left, and the highway started descending somewhat steeply.

At this point I lost control of the vehicle. It just kind of slowly veered down the ramp of highway, down to something like an intersection on a regular stretch of road. The crossing of the intersection was another highway-like road. High above the intersection, maybe 30 meters up, was another gigantic arc of highway. And beyond the intersection were blocks of warehouses or small factory buildings, some of them made of red brick.

The car slumped to a stop, possibly dropping from its hovering position down to the ground, on the left corner of the street. I may have called someone to pick me up or to help the car get started back up. I may also have been wondering how long it would now take me to get to the meeting. If I had to walk it would take me forever.

I probably also thought that JP would now think I was totally unreliable and not worth paying attention to. I couldn't even keep my car in shape long enough to get to this one single meeting on time. Maybe I wouldn't even get there at all!

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