Thursday, May 10, 2018

space helmet pressure; spacecraft in the zombie apocalypse; learning a little girl's dance

Dream 1

I was in outer space. I may have started out in a space capsule or a space station. I was probably with a woman astronaut.

We were then out in space. We had to get from one structure to another structure. The second structure may have been a space capsule that would transport us to the space station that was our base.

We had to put on our space helmets before we went into the second structure. I put my helmet on. As the helmet clicked into place, some oxygen started flowing through the helmet area, and possibly through the rest of my suit.

But then the air pressure of the oxygen got really high. I felt like my head was getting squeezed or smashed. The astronaut floated directly facing me. She got worried. She asked me if my suit was malfunctioning. She thought it might be because I had put my helmet on incorrectly. She wanted to help me take my helmet off as soon as possible so I wouldn't get injured. But I said I thought I was fine. I decided we would just float into the structure and I'd see if things got worse from there.

We floated up through a narrow, tube-like area. At the end of this passage was a shallow, dish-like dome. I knew that beyond this space was the cabin of the structure. Once we were in there we would fly to the larger structure.

We were now in the larger structure, the space station that was like our home base. I was in one room that was like some sort of control room. The floors were shiny black. The walls were covered in machinery and monitors that displayed data, etc.

A man stood in the room. He was some sort of high-ranking person in the space station. He wore a crisp, square-bodied uniform. His chest bore a pretty big grid of decorations. He may have been holding his cap or helmet in his arm, kind of close to his body. And he stood really straight.

The man probably asked me about my condition. There may still have been a worry about whether I'd been badly injured by the helmet incident. I said I was okay. But even I couldn't be sure.

Dream 2

I was probably watching some movie about some kids who discovered a spacecraft in the woods. The spacecraft was sort of lime-shaped, but with shell-like ends. It was hard and dark green, like an avocado. But it was ornamented all around with silver, pipe-like fixtures. The craft itself may have opened like a clam shell. Or it may have had an entrance via a ramp leading up into the bottom of the craft.

Two boys had discovered this spacecraft. They then decided to fly it. But they stayed on earth. Some time had passed. Possibly one of the boys had gotten some sort of illness and had gone into a coma for a while. When the boy awoke, he probably found out that a zombie apocalypse had taken place.

The boy may have found the other boy. The two boys then took their spacecraft on journeys all around the earth, where they'd always have to avoid or fight zombies.

Then, almost as if by accident, one of the boys, or possibly both of the boys, flew in the spacecraft all the way off the earth. The boy went to some distant place in space, where he kind of settled down. After that the story became a lot more calm and a lot less interesting.

I seemed to have seen a good amount of the calm part of the boy's story. I was sort of disappointed by it. It was now like I was reviewing this whole story, almost as if it were starting over again. I thought to myself how much I liked all the zombie stuff and how I'd have liked to see the zombie stuff continue.

I'm not really sure whether I was still dreaming at this point. I seemed to imagine a few different scenarios of the story that I would have liked better. But I'm not really sure whether I ever saw any of the scenarios play out. I kept on seeing the spacecraft at the beginning of the story, as if the story were always stuck at the beginning.

All throughout the dream, my view was obscured, as if it were blocked by columns that were totally in the shade or darkness, though sometimes it was also like the columns were two huge, shaggy legs of orange fur or a huge column of a tree the bark of which was coated with some fur-like vegetation.

Dream 3

I may possibly have been out on a beach or a field. The beach or the field was wet, so the sand or soil was pretty muddy. It was probably a cloudy day.

I was probably out with a few people: some adults and a little girl. The little girl may have been a cheerleader or a dancer, dressed in some cute costume.

The little girl was trying to teach me a cheer or a dance. I may have been doing a bad job of learning the dance, or I may have been too shy really to have put my whole effort into the dance. So I looked kind of terrible.

The little girl didn't seem disappointed in me. She kept trying to teach me the dance. But the adults were sort of annoyed by or angry with me. I felt like the adults thought it was stupid that I wasn't dancing well. Didn't everybody know how to dance well? I also felt like they thought I was purposely acting like an idiot in front of the girl, to kind of subtly demonstrate to the girl that I didn't care about what she was doing. But I also felt like they thought I was attracted to the little girl and that I was trying to hit on her by practicing a dance with her. So I felt like they were disgusted and angry with me.

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